Our bodies are quite adept at repairing themselves. We use methods that aid that natural ability with modalities like acupuncture, nutrition, laser therapy and physical manipulations, like myofascial release and cupping.
Muscles can get turned off when they are injured. That one weak muscle changes the ability to perform optimally. The surrounding muscles try to do the work for that damaged muscle. Then, the surrounding muscles start getting injured and shut down. Muscle Reactivation turns the muscles back on and allows the joint / limb to perform its function again. Athletes love the results.
Call us at: 512-626-2332
Dry Needling is a therapeutic drug-free, technique used by countless healthcare professionals to effectively relieve muscular pain and stiffness and to increase range of motion.
It is indisputably one of the fastest-growing treatment modalities.
Clinical evidence has been published validating its effectiveness at reducing pain and muscle spasms.
Dry needling is a technique used to help relieve muscle pain and tightness. It involves inserting thin needles into specific trigger points in the muscles. This can help relax the muscles and improve blood flow, which can reduce pain and improve mobility. It is called "dry" needling because no medication or fluid is injected into the body. It is a safe and effective treatment option for many people.
Dry needling is different than acupuncture because acupuncture inserts needles along the meridians. Dry needling is a technique based on "feel". If the needle inserts into what "feels" like butter then that is not the correct position for that needle. If the needle "feels" as if it is inserting through sand and gravel then we have found the placement and position. That means the needle has found a muscle that needs to relax. We gently reposition the needle until we find the correct angle and depth to give an effective treatment.
We believe many illnesses are caused by the toxins in our foods. Avoiding manufactured ingredients and pesticides reduces the harmful substances entering our bodies. Replacing them with cleaner, more organically grown food and natural plant remedies aids the body in healing itself and preventing future disease.
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